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Blog Writing?|Make Money Online


What is a blog?
The word blog is actually an acronym for weblog, a combination of the two English words web and log, used for websites that keep information chronologically. Which means if you compile a logbook or diary online or write something by logging on to a website via the internet then the whole process is to make a “blog” in modern internet terms.
The term weblog was first used by Jorn Barger in the year 2000, after which the word blog was coined by Peter Merholz in a humorous way, the word “weblog”. “We broke it and used it as a blog and hence the word” blog “became popular.

Now you write a blog on a website or social media? What topics do you write about? It’s up to you, because the general idea is that a blog can be written on any topic. But most bloggers write their blogs on social and political topics in general. This is why blogs are also called modern style online diaries, which bloggers regularly share in public to express their feelings. , Feelings and Reactions Reach Their Selected Readers.
In the old days when the internet and social media did not exist, most people used to write their diaries. But the diary often covered the day’s private affairs.

It often lost its expression on social or political issues, and such diaries were usually published in book form after death.
One difference between a personal diary and a blog is that a personal diary is limited to you or a few close friends. While a blog is like an open book in front of the whole world. Where you share your thoughts, feelings, experiences and information according to your thoughts and feelings and communicate with your readers through internet social media. So if you are not apathetic, have the courage to speak up, and can withstand criticism and pressure.

So you must share your thoughts, your feelings, your feelings and information with others. And the best thing about it is the blog. So dare, come to the fore, speak through social media because it is the natural desire of every human being to make the best use of the power of expression. If you too can build a bond with your readers with the help of a blog, then of course you have the potential to become a good blogger, you just need to use it in the right direction. Fees on social media With the advent of books and other social media forums, it has become much easier to write blogs, publish them, and then check people’s reactions.

Until a couple of years ago, blogs were just articles, but now blogging is not just about writing, but also photo blogs, sketch blogs, video blogs, music blogs, audio blogs. It can be said that a good blogger can reflect his whole personality with the unique power of a blog if he wants to. Can express his feelings correctly because there is no other between the reader and the blogger. An editor’s scissors do not strike a chord with a blogger’s thoughts and feelings. So will his blog۔

Blogging is arguably the most important activity on the Internet right now. Millions of people write their own blogs or read other people’s blogs and it is spreading like wildfire on the internet. Hundreds of blogging tools have made this task much easier. In addition, blogging is gaining momentum with the use of various devices. Blogs and bloggers have become so popular that they are becoming a way to make a lot of money. There is hardly a popular blog that you see without ads. People are more inclined to read other people’s blogs than to write their own blogs.

Therefore, sometimes it has been observed that there are more visitors to a particular blog on the same site than the entire website. Therefore, their reputation is exploited by placing advertisements on such blogs.
If you look at blogging in Urdu language, you will see hundreds of blogs in Urdu language and also in Urdu language on the internet, but there is still no definite definition of the word blog in Urdu language. Could not But in common parlance we can say that a blog is a written expression of a kind of personal, emotional, sentimental and observation through a website on the Internet, It is like a poet expressing his feelings and emotions through his poems. This rapid development of blogging has also greatly affected Urdu.

In the year 2000, Urdu bloggers started appearing frequently and then, thanks to these Urdu bloggers, complete Urdu written websites came on the internet. There are a large number of Urdu bloggers on the internet today. Some blogs are related to Urdu language and literature but they are in English language or in Urdu language in English letters and English script. Like other languages, Urdu language has established its place and identity in the world of internet and its scope is gradually increasing.

Unicode fonts are used for writing blogs in Urdu which can be easily accessed on any computer. There are many e-newspapers and magazines in Urdu language on whose websites blogs can be read and written in Urdu language. If there is a facility to write a blog on any website in any language, then blogs can be written on this website using Unicode font in Urdu language.

The difference between a blog and a website

Most people think of blogs and websites as two names for the same thing but the fact is that they are technically very different from each other. A website is actually a collection of different web pages online. Is a general term that refers to any combination of web pages on any domain on the Internet. , Events, etc. are presented in text or text as well as audio and visual forms. The blogger presents his ideas to his readers on the internet through the blog and then the readers of this blog comment on it and also give advice. Just as a blogger can present his thoughts through text, so he can show an event through videos and pictures. Not only this, with the help of this recorded voice you can reach out to the net users. But the traditional structure of the website and the blog is different, on the basis of which we think of the blog as separate from the website. Here are some of the highlights of the website as a whole:

۔ A website has a number cover or home page that opens in different sections or sections of the website.
۔ Website pages do not have a comment box.
۔ The date or author’s name does not appear on the website pages.
۔ Websites usually provide basic information about a business or company.
۔ The website has sections on services, FAQs, pricing and blogs.

Always remember these blog signs:
۔ Blog posts appear with date and author’s name.
۔ The blog is updated frequently, while the website is not updated as such.
۔ The blog has a comment box, with the help of which the reader can express his opinion in the comment box.
۔ Blogs usually do not contain services or business information.
3. Information is published on the blog in such a way that the new post (writing) appears first.
3. Even if you don’t know programming, language, coding, you can create a blog.
3. You can put blog posts in any category of your choice and organize them through tags.
3. The information on the blog is chronological. You can select any month or day and read the article published on that day.
1. Most blogs have a sidebar on the right or left side in which various widgets can be used to display the latest information, read more articles, etc.
1. There is a facility to subscribe to the blog. By subscribing, your fans will get every post of yours via email or feed instantly.
Also keep in mind that today’s news sites are actually a distorted version of the blog. It updates thousands of times faster than a normal blog. And the reason is that every ten minutes there is a new news. Therefore, news sites can be called a combination of website and blog, each news site also has a separate blog box.

What to look for and tactics to help ease the way
The best way to start blogging is to translate what you see and feel into simple words and write a blog. Suppose you saw an accident somewhere or saw something unique. Now what do you conclude from this accident or something unique? Why did this happen? What were the motives behind it? Think about what effect it has had on you and others.
بلا Normally a blog should be between 800 and 1000 words. If the blogger wants to cite something related to the written content, it is better to cite it with the help of hyperlinks within the text.
The title of the blog is very important because the first part of any article that you see is the title, then there are three or four sentences at the beginning. If they are interesting, the reader’s interest increases and the view automatically slips on the writing. The title should be as concise and meaningful as possible.
People who are associated with a particular field should try to write mostly about their field because it will enliven your writing and you will be able to express your conscience very well.
٭  Some opening sentences are very important. This is the most sensitive part of writing in the world of blogging. These same phrases also appear on headlines and aggregations. Here, if you catch the reader, catch it.
٭  As much as possible for the blog should choose a topic that is closer to reality.
Instead of fabricating stories, write about experiences in everyday life. One is that your experiences and analyzes will reach other people and when readers give comments or opinions you will see many other aspects of the picture. This will make your thinking stronger.
Blogs should be written on current affairs, social issues, political events and developments, and domestic and foreign situations. In addition, blogs can be written on a historical event, but do not forget to give strong references for it.
Whatever you write, write on the basis of complete citations and solid evidence so that if someone discusses something with you, you can give a satisfactory answer.
Never think that you are a big killer because if you blog in the style of learning, teaching and consulting you will get many benefits.
٭ Make some points for writing. Discuss these points while writing for a sensitive topic.
… Blogs are different from feature stories. Interviewing more people and quoting them is not a blog, but a feature. Blogs are also different from news, so presenting any headline news in different words is not called a blog.
Never share any personal information on the blog that could harm you at this time or in the future. Therefore, whenever and whatever you write, always write thoughtfully.
3. Writing provocative blogs that provoke religious debate should be avoided, while the choice of words should be taken into consideration while writing. Abuse or attack on one’s caste should be avoided.
Writing editing is very important. Blog writing should never be published in its raw form. Review your draft. In addition to spelling and grammatical errors, review the order of sentences more than once.

How to create a blog?
The world of the internet is vast. There are hundreds of websites that allow net users to write blogs for free. One of the secrets of the popularity of blogs is that nowadays on almost every news channel and newspaper and magazine websites, even entertainment, commercial. Blogs will also be found on organizational and educational websites. Blogs can usually be created in two ways. First you write your blog by registering on a blog hosting provider website while the other way is you buy your domain name and web hosting and then create your blog by installing a blogging tool on the website.
At the forefront of popular blog hosting providers is Google’s Blogger or Blogspot. Google bought Blogger in view of the growing popularity of the blog. Blogger is a very popular service. It provides many free templates for blogs that can be customized to suit your needs. If you also want to create your own free blog on Blogger, visit Blogger’s website, the link is below.


WordPress is another very popular service and is undoubtedly one of the most popular blogging services in the world of blogging right now. With the many attractive themes and plugins found on WordPress, you can transform your site from a blog to a news website or whatever. Like Movable Type, WordPress offers two types of blogging options. The biggest advantage of WordPress is its flexible structure. WordPress can be easily adapted to any written language in the world.
Due to being an open source, proper support for its problems is available on the free WordPress site, where WordPress users from all over the world collaborate to solve your problems in minutes. WordPress blogging tool in PHP Built, is a completely open source program, which can be easily installed on any website. If you want to create your own website blog then WordPress should be your first choice. Built in PHP, it can be run on both Windows and Linux hosting. If you want to create your own blog on WordPress, visit the WordPress website, the link is as follows.

Great blogging topics
By the way, you can fulfill your hobby by writing a blog on your favorite topic according to your interest, but if you want to earn some money from blogging, then you have to put your choice behind you and take care of people’s choice. Many people want to start a blog but they have difficulty in determining the topic. We will tell you about some of the topics on which you can make a good name in the world of blogging.

Writing on the topic of health is not for everyone. If you have a little bit of Buddhism, then adopt this topic. Such as weight loss prescriptions and fitness tips. You will find numerous advertisements on this topic and different companies may contact you to promote their medicines.

If you belong to the field of education,  you are a professor, teacher, etc., then creating a blog on this subject would be a very lucrative deal for you.

Make Money Online
Although blogging is done most on this topic, very little has been written on this topic in Pakistan. And now people are slowly coming to their senses and they are searching for it. If you can write unique articles on this topic, you can be very successful.

Travel Blogs
This topic is very interesting. Many tourists are flocking to Pakistan and they are searching for places to visit in Pakistan. If you know a little bit about tourism or have toured a few areas then adopt this topic. It would be better to write in English on this topic so that more and more people will come to your website.

It would be better for women and students to blog on this topic. Very little has been written on this subject in Pakistan. If you work hard you will be very successful and different companies will contact you to promote their products.

Cook food
Blogging on this topic can open up many easy ways for housewives to earn money from home. At present, many housewives in Pakistan are earning extra money by blogging on this topic.

Forex Trading
Very few people in Pakistan know about Forex trading but there are a lot of blog readers on this topic and there is potential for traffic from other countries. This topic can be profitable for you if you specialize in Forex trading.

the game
This topic is most searched in India and Pakistan, especially when there is a big cricket tournament like World Cup, Asia Cup, IPL or PSL, there is a huge rush of blog readers on this topic. If you are interested in sports then you can make your hobby a source of income by writing blogs.

Product Review
At the moment, before anyone buys a mobile phone or anything, they search on Google and see the information and reviews about it. If you know the features of mobile phones, laptops, cameras and other things and can make a price list then blogging on this topic can be very successful for you.

What is a voice blog and how is it created?
If you really want to increase the number of readers of your blog, then your voice is the most suitable medium for you, because the people who read you also want to hear you. And your voice will surely increase your audience more than your readers. It’s not hard to do. There are many websites that not only allow you to write voice blogs but also many of them allow you to set up your own radio station.

There is a website called mixlr.com that ensures the provision of high quality stereo sound to its users. With this website you can now load your recorded file after a break. With its help you can create your own hub. Talk to your audience and get an immediate impression of your audience. Here are some steps you can take to create the perfect and absolutely free voice blog.

1. First type www.mixlr.com in the address bar of your web browser. As soon as the window opens you will see the Login and Sign in option. You can click on the Sign Up with Option option. Here it offers you two types of services. If you have a Facebook account, just click on the Sign Up with Facebook option. Create your own account on Mixler. Will go If not, complete the form below and create your account.

1. After signing up, your account will be created. A new window will open automatically in front of you. Clicking on the Broadcast Option on this window will open a window that will ask you if you want to run the mixlr on your computer or on your mobile. The desktop application allows you to stay connected to 3 channels simultaneously. It can be connected to any corner of the world via audio. You can attach two microphones to your own computer if you wish, while using the iPhone option you can not only broadcast your voice but also listen and chat with your friends. Android phone applications will come to you soon. The website is working on this ،
Now click on Download for Windows Options in the window. Your computer will start downloading this program.
۔ The download will be completed in a few moments. While downloading, Setup Mixler will ask you about the create a desktop icon. Click next to it, so that you have the icon of the mixlr panel visible on the main screen of your desktop and you can use it whenever you want.
۔ The panel is now open in front of you. Clicking on the circular dots in the panel will start your program. Now complete your recording, now you can not only record your voice blog, but you have also become the owner of the radio station. After the recording is complete, click on the dots that appear in the same circle. Now the mixlr will ask you if you want to air your program immediately or at intervals. Choose the option you want. Once your show is recorded, it will be added to your mixlr’s website account and for that you will be given a regular link, so that you can link to different social media. Share on the website۔
If you feel that your recording is not yet good enough to be shared or added to your account, you can cancel, edit, download or export this audio by going to Recording Audio Options. Export is an option that allows you to move this audio rail to other software. For example, you can move your audio reel to Soundcloud, Dropbox, Audioboo, Mixcloud.
1. Make sure your headphones are attached to your computer or laptop. Click on the drop down menu in the first panel where speaker is written. Now many options will come in front of you. Select Microphone here for recording.
۔ Now look at the second panel, where you will see select source. Customize the drop-down menu to your liking, it allows you to be attached to other software during the program. You can also program simultaneously with your fellow host and if you do not want to use any kind of channel with your program then turn off the select source option. You see three panels on Mixlr. One playlist, another external source or input, and a third microphone. It’s up to you which channel you want to increase or decrease the volume at the same time.
۔ Now let’s talk about the third panel, where the open playlist is written. This panel allows you to play any audio local file in the form of a playlist during your program. This file will work in the background if you wish. Depending on your preference, you can also play back to back music. Go to the panel, go to the drop down menu in the Any List panel and click on Open Play List. At the bottom of the panel + Add Sound bar will open, click on Add Sound and Add your favorite song or any kind of audio file or list of files to your program.

1. Now you can play these files as per your choice. Clicking on the files that will display the red ICON means that the file will run. You can also change this list by dragging your mouse. You can change the order. At the same time, by right clicking, they can easily run and even stop.

Turn Skype into a voice blog
You can easily block group discussions and debates with your friends and guests via Skype in your program.
1. To do this, first go online from your Skype and at the same time open your Mixlr panel.
۔ Go to Skype Preferences. Click on Skype, then on “Profile” and then on Change Sounds.
1. A window of Skype Option will open in front of you. Now click on Audio Setting in this window.
2. Here you will see two options Speakers and Ringing, both of which should be set to “Speakers”.

2. Then click on Save and close the Skype Option window.
1. Now go to the Mixlr panel. There click on Select Source, a lot of options will open in front of you. You (High Definition Audio Micro Phone). While Any Input Option must be set to “Speakers”. You can also add one or more callers to the program at the same time through a conference call on Skype.

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